Community Strings
Community Strings is a group of string players who expressed the desire to play in a string orchestral setting.
As adult players and in some cases adult beginners, no opportunity existed locally for these players to play together, similar to various community bands and choruses for other instruments and voices. The Johnstown Symphony Orchestra (JSO) agreed to help create an outlet to try to meet these desires and the Community Strings was born in Spring of 2009. The players, from as far away as Berlin and Loretto across Somerset and Cambria counties, have been meeting simply to enjoy and enrich their personal accomplishments alongside players of similar yet varied skill levels.
The goal has been to play as a group, to learn as a group from the director and from each other, and to enrich each player's life with the communal benefits and pleasures of music. Some side benefits are that individual skill levels improve, players understand the dynamics of playing as an ensemble (rather than individuals) and they realize there are other like-minded and like-skilled players. Just as student musicians gain from enrichment programs outside their schools, so too can adult musicians gain from programs like the Community Strings.
We are always excited to add new members, so please spread the word to your colleagues!
Join the Community Strings!
St. David’s Lutheran Church, Davidsville
Thursday nights from 7:00-8:30 pm
Please let us know you are coming by emailing Beth Pile or filling out the form.
Upcoming Events
Spring 2025 semester begins:
Thursday, March 27, 7-8:30pm at St. David's Lutheran Church.
Spring Concert
May 15th at 7:30pm
Cost for each semester is $50.
Tuition can be paid using the link below or by sending a check payable to the Johnstown Symphony Orchestra at 416 Main Street, Suite 202, Johnstown, PA 15901.
Meet Our Director,
Elizabeth Pile
Elizabeth W. Pile holds a Bachelor of Science in Music Education from Gettysburg College and a Master of Music Education from the Pennsylvania State University. She taught elementary and junior high music in public schools as well as at a local parochial elementary school for 23 years. Ms. Pile has been Director of Music at the Friedens Lutheran Church since moving to the area in 1989 where she is responsible for the children's, youth and adult choirs. Ms. Pile has also maintained a private studio since graduation from college.
Ms. Pile was a member of the Johnstown Symphony Orchestra (JSO) for 27 years, and served as Manager of the JS Youth Orchestra for 18 years. Beth recently retired as the Orchestra Manager and Librarian for the Johnstown Symphony Orchestra.